Sophie Cox is the current Leader of Worthing Borough Council. She is Labour. I have seen Sophie in action at local Labour Party meetings and it is safe to say she is good friends with to the old Worthing Council Leader, Dr Beccy Cooper, now our current MP and Rosey Whorlow and Catherine Glynn-Davies; two of the bias Councillors who presided at our licencing hearing. All three reposted Dr Coopers Facebook post about our rejection after the licencing hearing.
Sophie not only came along to our Licencing hearing and gave a statement against our application; she also wrote a letter in (as a ward Councillor) objecting to both our lawful development application and licencing application. After, when she reposted Dr Coopers Facebook post she said ‘Fantastic news to hear that the licencing application was turned down today for Goring Gap’ and a little thumbs up. It is safe to say the current leader of Worthing Borough Council is against us.
But the reason Sophie Cox gets near top spot in our banned list is because she knowingly signed a petition against our licence application multiple times. Look out for her name, address and signature on pages 2, 6, 10 and 15. Now she may try and argue she was signing a petition for each of the four licencing objectives; however, the petition was submitted as a single petition both by the petition organiser and the licensing department. You will see that it is a requirement in Worthing for a petition to have at least 50 individual signatories. Not only was Sophie complicit, the labour party rewarded the organiser of the petition a few months later allowing him to stand as a candidate for Labour. It is clear both Sophie Cox and the Labour Party knew what they were doing when Sophie signed the petition multiple times. It is beyond clear that we now have a dishonest Councillor who is the Leader at Worthing Borough Council together with a bunch of dishonest Labour Councillors.
Are we the only ones who can see this?